Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Well today was my second day of radiation and it went better than the first day. I was very scared the first time but it was ok. Today after they did my cat scan they put on my mask and fastened it to the table so I am unable to move. It is very important that I do not move then they strap me down with three different straps but I am still able to move my arms if I have to. They let me draw a funny face on my mask I put great big eyes with long eyelashes and great big lips. Today after they were all finished with this strapping down and stuff they let my mom in the room where they watch me on the computers. I have to be alone in the room due to the radiation rays. Mom said she could see my eyes moving and the radiation machine was moving in big circles around me and my table was moving in a circle the opposite direction it was pretty cool. It only last for about 15 minutes and I am finished. They play music for me while I am in the room. Mom said she cried at first but the ladies and men who were in the room talked to her and it made her feel better about what was taking place. They are all so proud that I do not have to be put to sleep or take Meds. to relax me. The doc. does not want me to have to be put to sleep everyday. Yes, I will be loosing hair but it's ok I have cool hats. Mom watches all night to see if I am having any side effects. I take meds. three times a day to help with vomiting and headaches. I have been having hiccups again and thats one symptom I was having before they discovered this monster. The tumor is pressing on a nerve that causes me to have hiccups and vomiting. I haven't started that yet. My palet was burning this morning but the doc. says that does happen but he doesn't think that is why mine is burning yet it might be because of sinuses.

1 comment:

  1. What's up girl?
    We are glad to see you are doing so well. Keep up the good work. As soon as you can come home I will have some cheese sticks from Sonic waiting for you with a Coke at the Shipyard.

    Love ya,

    Deanna, Collin, & Corey
